I've been honored to have the privilege of spending time with my good friend, Toni, the last two days. She's a good dose of dazzling delight, insightful inspiration, and finds joy and peace in all situations - good and bad.
It's been fun to sit out in the backyard and talk about writing and produce poetry together. She hosts the Open Mic poetry night on the Square in Granbury every third Saturday. Here poems have been featured twice in Granbury's Showcase Magazine. Here's one of her latest.
By Toni Gray
Away from the world
where no one can see
I sit privately
Peace within me
Imagining myself in New York City
in Barnes and Noble bookstore
with my name on the cover
Go beyond your highest limits
and dream big
someone told me one day
so I keep writing
not a dime to my name
happier than I’ve ever been
in my life
the pains can grow
or you can move beyond
one step closer
than you were before
No secrets
Just truth I must say
I wouldn’t even want to go shopping for pearls
I’d just sit in Central Park
and paint my nails red
gazing at the difference life has been for me
A trip worth making
Just pack your bags
You never know when the opportunity will arise
God’s just gotten started
The plans he has for me
The Texas heat takes a beaten
to anyone who lives
Kick your heels up anyway
The healing will begin
All I need is paper and pen
and my life feels complete
One more poem
Now I can breathe