The following texts are just the beginning of my journey with Robert, his relationship with Christ, and our friendship. It is so amazing that I had to share...especially now that he is going to be my husband soon. Praise God and thank you for unexpected surprises and miracles.
R - is Robert
M - is Melissa
R: I’m happy you’re getting a lot from God…I need to sit down and talk to him, but I’m afraid of the answers that he is going to give me. I guess I already know what the answers are so there is nothing to be afraid of. I just need to sit down and spend some time with him.
M: What answers are you afraid of that you already know?
R: About why things happen the way they do and why things that affect me that I feel shouldn’t and things that I feel should have did not.
M: That’s normal, and I’ve asked the same things…what do you think His answers are?
R: Just because it’s the way he wants it, and the rhyme and reason are not for me to understand.
M: Pretty good conclusion. Also remember that He gives us choices and instruction, and He always takes the ashes of what we’ve gone through and works thru us to use it, make us more dependent on Him and His will…and turns the darkness into something beautiful. I’ve seen it happen many times. God will turn our biggest weaknesses into our greatest strengths through him if we let Him. It’s awesome!
R: I agree he is working in my life to do so, and I know sometimes I just feel that it’s too much to handle.
M: Totally understand that feeling! That’s because He wants you to trust Him, turn it over and stop trying to sort it out by yourself. That’s what I’ve learned. It’s so much easier when I give it all back to Him, ask for help and strength.
R: And I know that, but to do it is a different story.
M: Yep I know. Trust me, I know it is. It isn’t easy to admit defeat and not be in control of what’s going to happen.
R: Exactly. Especially when I thought I had complete control for years before.
M: Yep…that’s an earth shattering realization and hard to accept.
R: LOL. Damn, you speak as if you understand.
M: I told you I do. More than you know.
M: Good morning! Just thinking about you. Read something I thought was cool this morning. “The only way to live the way Jesus called us to live is by His power.” Have an awesome day!
R: That’s cool! Thanks and you too.
M: Read this today: “God will give His best to those who leave the choice to Him.”
R: I learned that I need to leave it to God instead of my trying to lead my life where I want it…hmmm sort of sounds like what you just told me.
M: What part of the Bible were you reading?
R: I was reading from that little “Experiencing God” Bible study book you gave me to read. Hey, what do you get from Romans 3:10-11, especially the last part? “We adjust our lives to God so He will do through us what He wants to accomplish. God is not our servant, who needs to adjust His activity to fit our plans. We are His servants, and we adjust our lives to what He is about to do. If we do not submit, God will allow us to follow our own devices. In following them, however, we will never experience what God wanted to do on our behalf or through us for others. Remember, God is at work around you.”
M: You may be asking yourself if you just read those verses, what is the point of all of this belief then if there is no one who does right. Paul is telling the Roman leaders that there is nobody who always does what is right…all have sinned and fallen short (Romans 3:23). That’s why we need Christ. He is the reason we are not hopeless. The key themes in Romans, which is one of my favorite books, are that all people are in need of a relationship with God. God has prepared for that relationship through his own sacrifice. Faith is the requirement of that relationship. Forgiveness is available from God for anyone. Does that answer your question? Some of my favorite verses that I can totally relate to Paul are Romans 7:14-25.
M: Something really interesting occurred to me at 3:30 am when I woke up. Call me when you can. Jesus is totally romancing you right now, and it’s so much fun to watch. His gift is worth far more than $860,000 that the call from the so-called Publisher’s Clearing House offered you last night…and the best part is there are no strings attached! He’s too cool. I just love Him!
R: LOL. He is awesome! And it makes me happy that he pointed that out to you so you could tell me. I think it’s the greatest thing in the world.
M: It makes my day! Smiling from ear to ear, and I was just telling Him in a joking way, although half serious, that I’m jealous for His attention that He’s given you. He! He! And you’re right. It’s the greatest thing in the world.
R: LOL. But he is allowing you to give me that attention so really you are getting the attention first hand. Wow, I love it when someone tells me I’m right, especially a female because I know that’s rare.
M: Oh my goodness…you are so right. I just got God bumps. He’s using you to point important things out to me as well. How awesome. I honestly love falling in love with God all over again every day. I know He’s allowing me to be a part of a miracle, and that’s a priceless gift.
R: Yes it is, and I’m so happy that he is allowing you to do this for me.
M: Well, I’m so happy He’s put you in my life. Cherish the blessings and love Christ is pouring over you right now, and bask in the warmth of His amazing gifts and glory.
R: I’m so glad that he’s allowed you in my life also.
M: Thanks. He never fails to dazzle me. Try not to be so afraid of being human. Jesus was once…
R: I have a feeling that today is going to be filled with all kinds of surprises.
M: Me too! I know it is…and I can’t wait! Man, I just came across these verses, and I’m sure you’ve heard them, but maybe they’ll have a new meaning for you today. John 8:34 says, “and the truth will set you free.” And John 14:6, Jesus says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
R: They don’t have a new meaning but I can believe them with total truth now.
July 17, 2011
M: It’s nice and peaceful outside this morning. So, is today the day you accept that you’re human and how much Jesus loves you?
R: I think that yesterday was that day. I mean, He did slap me in the face with a great big hello there. I am after I said that he really has not done that right?
M: I thought so too. So you’ve waved the white flag and surrendered and said I need you Lord Jesus?
R: I waved the flag and said, I hear you Lord and believe…
M: That’s mind blowing, isn’t it? I’m praising God and did all day yesterday. I have really enjoyed spending time with you. I can promise you He will always have your back, will never leave you, and thinks you are absolutely precious even when you mess up. You are a child of God, and just think…your new life just started yesterday. Kind of boggling…
I think what’s so interesting about being on the other side of disbelief is that once you are, there is absolutely no denying the truth any more. You just know in your heart His love is real and the impact of what He did. Would you agree?
R: It is when you put it like that. I am really happy that God has allowed you to be part of this.
M: Oh me too! I got to watch a miracle unfold before my very eyes! Life doesn’t get any better. That’s for sure.
R: Yes, I can’t put it any better.
M: I love feeling God’s genuine joy!
R: You say it doesn’t get any better, but it will.
M: Oh yes, it definitely will. As Christians the Bible says we can expect a rough road here on earth, but heaven awaits, and it’s going to be a blast!
R: Yes.
M: “For I consider that the sufferings of the present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” Romans 8:18. I would recommend reading John, then Romans and then Ephesians again in that order with your new heart. Curious what your insights will be.
This is also a verse that has gotten me through some tough times, and it’s easy to remember because it sort of rhymes. “He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress. I will never be shaken.” Psalms 62:2. Okay, I’ll stop bombarding you now. J
R: Okay, but I can’t do it now.
M: No of course not…I mean over time silly.
R: LOL. If I was not getting ready for church I would jump right into it.
M: Cool. Well, holler at me later. Going to try out Bible Baptist this morning. Enjoy chuch.
R: If you feel like you’re supposed to tell me something tell me. I don’t consider that bombarding.
M: Okay thanks. I hesitate saying this…but you are sweet.
R: Why do you hesitate to say it? And why am I sweet?
M: Because you said you’re not, but I think you were joking. And I know you are because I noticed that about you in a few groups with Paula when you were helping Caye and Dana…and you’ve been such a good friend to me. Seems like you’re always reaching out to others and offering your support and help. That’s sweet and kind. You have a sweet nature about you.
R: I think I’m blushing…thank you. I’ve realized that by helping others I help myself, even if I don’t realize it at the time.
M: So true!
R: You are sweet too, and I can’t thank you enough for letting God work through you to help me.
M: You don’t have to thank me. God is the one who orchestrated it all and made things happen. I’ve just been along for the ride, and my heart is elated that He let me be. It’s only just the beginning, and He has plans and work for you to do what He decided a long time ago in advance. Now that’s something to be excited about. All the glory be to God!
R: J J J J It’s awesome! Jesus is my Savior!
M: That’s awesome, Robert!
R: Yes it is.