Monday, July 18, 2011

A poem: Blind Faith

Blind Faith
By Melissa Wren

When life seems all but lost,
Did you take Your hand off of me?
When all that I know is not what it seems,
Is what’s left insanity?

What am I to do with the here and now?
How do I live the in-between?
I’ve learned so much,
Yet know nothing.
It’s torture, the unforeseen.

Yesterday a man told me
My best days were ahead of me.
But how can I know
of this veracity?

Because “faith is being sure
of what we hope for and
certain of what we do not see.”

Friday, July 15, 2011

Our Heritage and Inheritance

Mornings are my favorite time of the day. Not only is the air breathable and cool, but I get to sit outside and hear the birds, watch Emmaline (my 7 month-old Yorkshire Terrier) play, look up at the clouds, watch the gorgeous sun yawn and stretch its legs, and spend some quiet time with my gracious Heavenly Father.
I’m in a Bible study currently at StoneWater Church called, “The Inheritance” by Beth Moore. It’s fascinating that God has made us, who love and have a relationship with His Son, to be co-heirs with Christ and heirs of the most magnificent inheritance I could ever try to imagine.
But to go back and read where that inheritance began - in Genesis - proved eye-opening this morning. A few things stood out that I’d never thought about much before, and it left room for me to ponder. The first and most important being: Genesis 1:26, “Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, in our likeness…”
This shows us that Jesus and the Holy Spirit were with Him in the beginning. He doesn’t say, let ME make man in MY image. Pretty awesome!
The other verses that stood out to me were Genesis 1:4, “God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.” I wonder if it’s a reference to good and evil because He knew that even though He created man in His image, left up to man’s own devises and choices, man would be darkness in the world.
And then He designed the sun and moon, Earth, stars and other galaxies. Makes me wonder why He chose us for Earth out of all the other planets out there. (Personally, I’ve always loved Saturn, but who am I to question God?)
It’s also curious that God created the birds of the air and creatures of the sea and land before He created man. That tells me He loves animals very much. I don’t want to speculate too much, but I suppose He had to create things for man to rule over and not the other way around, even though plants and animals were created first. Everything that God created, He looked at, “and saw it was good” except for man. On the day when He made man, the Bible says, "He looked at all He had made, and it was very good."
But, man is of more value to God than anything else that He created because we alone, in all creation, are capable of a personal, loving relationship with God.
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Heart of the Matter is Always The Heart

“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your Spirit lead me on level ground.” Psalm 143:10
Following is a culmination of prayers that I love, taken from “Quiet Moments with God,” by Lloyd John Ogilvie. I’ve read through this book for the last two years, and it’s changed the way I pray. It seems every day is exactly what I need to express. May your day be filled with the sunshine of God’s awesome smiles and love. I can’t wait to see what God has in store today!
Dear Lord,
Thank you for today and everything you have given me. Thank you for holding my hand through another day of sobriety. I need you every step of the way. Draw me near…I long to know you better and experience the miracles you have in store for me today.
You have promised, “As your days, so shall your strength be,” (Deuteronomy 33:25) I praise You that You know what is ahead of me today and will provide me with exactly what I need in each hour and in each circumstance. I relax in the knowledge that You neither will be surprised by what evolves, nor incapable of sustaining me in any eventualities.
What has happened to me is for what You want to do and say through me to those who feel misunderstood or misused. The only final cure for the frowning face of rejection is Your smiling face of love and acceptance.
Thank You that Your power is given in direct proportion to the pressures and perplexities I face. I am given great courage and confidence as I am reminded that You give more strength as my burdens increase, and You entrust me with more wisdom as my problems test my endurance. I am comforted to know that You’ll never leave nor forsake me. You love has no end, and Your patience has no breaking point.
Forgive me when I resist the greatness You desire for me and refuse Your guidance. I thank You for the times I did trust You and, as a result, received Your blessings of wisdom, strength, and determination. Give me a clear head and a trusting heart as I press onward on the path You have marked before me.
Thank you for showing me that the heart of the matter is always the heart. Press my heart next to the pulse-beat of Your heart so that Your love might overflow from me into the lives of others. Help me turn my cares over to you, surrender my self-will, and rest in the assurance that Your solutions are greater than my problems.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

If My Mind is a Battlefield

By Melissa Wren

If my mind is a battlefield,
what other crops might it yield?
Bombs go off as I compromise
God’s light, what is right
to settle for Satan’s lies

If my mind is a battlefield,
constantly at war
How do I control
my lioness tongue
when I sense its roar?

If my mind is a battlefield,
my ears must be on alert
to Satan’s subtle suggestions
he waits patiently to assert

If my mind is a battlefield,
self-will must be killed
God’s belt of truth majestically designed
nothing like His full armor
to protect me from the
land mines I may find.

If my mind is a battlefield,
the journey never ends
until God calls me home
and judges my dividends

If my mind is a battlefield,
my plan of attack
starts with belief…
carefully aligned
with asking for His will
then taking His hand,
and following safely behind.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

A poem: False Promises

By Melissa Wren

Why must I sit on shattered sands of restless seas?
Each grain of beach passes through my hands.

Why does the sunshine grace my fingertips,
like lips of love songs sung so sublime?

The whims of fantasies, false promises
Do as they please, stripping me of dignity.

Why do the sparrows sing as they do?
They see much more than I have a clue.

With each storm of change comes clouds of doubt
The pandemonium I can’t live without

False promises pan out the way they do
With God’s great mercies to see me through.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The Best is Yet to Come

The Best Is Yet To Come
By Melissa Wren

You’re all I need, Lord.
Without you,
I’m incomplete.
I’m waiting,
I’m ready,
to be swept off my feet.

Dazzle me to tears
Destroy all my fears
I want nothing more than
To fall in love with you

Court me
Support me
Like you already do
just make me aware
of things I’ve never seen before
The beauty and wonder that makes you You.

Blow my mind,
Fill my heart with your love,
A spirit so pure and true
Pump the blood you shed through my veins
Make me one with you.

Bring me the fragrance of your flowers                                                          
The gentle touch of your healing hands                                                                
the warmth of your holy embrace,                                                                         
leave the kiss of your breath upon my face                                                  
I hear you say, Be patient                                                                                                 
I know you’re tempted to run,                                              
but just wait,                                
The best is yet to come.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A poem: Promises

Promises - By: Melissa Wren

Never alone am I
So great You are
Your love, unfailing
Not always giving me what I desire,
Only what I need most, your fire
Holding me close in Your

My mind a battlefield
Exploding with the enemy’s lies
Carefully disguised
The truth waiting to be found
In the Bible, my solid ground

Obedience doesn’t equal
Instant deliverance
From the consequences
of the life I left behind
but blessings await
that You long for me to find.

When the aching in my body returns,
When the pain makes me weep because it burns
Your tears I feel
impressed upon my face
Cry with me is what you do
How you love me, unfailing and true.

Never alone am I
So great You are
Your love, unfailing
Come good times and heartbreaks
You understand my mistakes
Holding me close in Your

Saturday, July 9, 2011

A poem: Freedom in Christ

Freedom in Christ
By Melissa Wren

I’m going to live like I’ve always dreamed
I’m going to love the things I’ve never seen
I’m going to live like I’ve been redeemed

Each day’s a new start
It’s the beginning
Finding joy in simple things
Time to enjoy what today might bring

This is my joy ride
Freedom in Christ
I gladly suffer with Him
For what He sacrificed

Victory over strongholds
Will be mine if I stand firm
In God’s mighty truths
His Word affirms

Peace deep within
Being bold in Him
Is not a sin

I’m going to live like I’ve always dreamed
I’m going to love the things I’ve never seen
I’m going to live like I’ve been redeemed

This is my journey
Freedom in Christ
I rejoice in suffering
His self-less sacrifice

Friday, July 8, 2011

A poem: How I Need You

How I Need You
By Melissa Wren

Oh how I need You,
Desperately I cling
to the cross of deliverance
You promise to bring

I surrender my will
Wave the white flag
Wait to hear your voice
Struggle to be still

Oh how I need You
The breath of your grace
Remove all my pride
That causes disgrace

I give up this fight
within myself to
wrestle a dead woman
to the floor
Losing sight of
Your love, Your forever more

Oh how I need You
Your hand that holds me firm
Oh how I need You
For the lessons I’ve yet to learn

Make me a vessel
Fill me to the brim
With your love, compassion
So I feel Christ within

Oh how I need You
to make it through today
I give myself over
to your presence.
Please don’t go away.
For in your presence
I find that You’ll
never let me stray.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A poem: Love Letter from God

Love Letter from God
By Melissa Wren

You were made for more    
Open your eyes to what I have in store
Don’t miss the blessings behind each closed door

For what you’ve asked for
you’ve already received.
What you’re struggling with
you’ve already been relieved.
You would have claimed victory over it
If you’d only just believed.

There’s no need for sorrow or pain
I gave my Son for your own gain.
Life up your head, in Him remain.

With me you have nothing to lose
unless you turn away, my way refuse.
To accept you’re calling is the Good News.

Why must you keep searching
for another direction
when I sent you a helper
after the resurrection?

I created you for much more
than the self-imprisonment where you dwell.
You live inside your own man-made hell,
despite the freedom you have
to release you from your jail.

Doubt and unbelief got you here,
but you own the power
to make it all disappear.
Ask me for help, trust my plan,
stay close, draw me near…

For what you’ve asked for
you’ve already received.
What you’re struggling with
you’ve already been relieved.
You would have claimed victory over it
if you’d only just believed!