“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your Spirit lead me on level ground.” Psalm 143:10
Following is a culmination of prayers that I love, taken from “Quiet Moments with God,” by Lloyd John Ogilvie. I’ve read through this book for the last two years, and it’s changed the way I pray. It seems every day is exactly what I need to express. May your day be filled with the sunshine of God’s awesome smiles and love. I can’t wait to see what God has in store today!
Dear Lord,
Thank you for today and everything you have given me. Thank you for holding my hand through another day of sobriety. I need you every step of the way. Draw me near…I long to know you better and experience the miracles you have in store for me today.
You have promised, “As your days, so shall your strength be,” (Deuteronomy 33:25) I praise You that You know what is ahead of me today and will provide me with exactly what I need in each hour and in each circumstance. I relax in the knowledge that You neither will be surprised by what evolves, nor incapable of sustaining me in any eventualities.
What has happened to me is for what You want to do and say through me to those who feel misunderstood or misused. The only final cure for the frowning face of rejection is Your smiling face of love and acceptance.
Thank You that Your power is given in direct proportion to the pressures and perplexities I face. I am given great courage and confidence as I am reminded that You give more strength as my burdens increase, and You entrust me with more wisdom as my problems test my endurance. I am comforted to know that You’ll never leave nor forsake me. You love has no end, and Your patience has no breaking point.
Forgive me when I resist the greatness You desire for me and refuse Your guidance. I thank You for the times I did trust You and, as a result, received Your blessings of wisdom, strength, and determination. Give me a clear head and a trusting heart as I press onward on the path You have marked before me.
Thank you for showing me that the heart of the matter is always the heart. Press my heart next to the pulse-beat of Your heart so that Your love might overflow from me into the lives of others. Help me turn my cares over to you, surrender my self-will, and rest in the assurance that Your solutions are greater than my problems.
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