Friday, December 31, 2010

The Past Doesn't Matter

I can’t resist sharing some excerpts from a daily devotional by Jerry Jenkins (co-author of the “Left Behind” series). My mom read it to me yesterday, and I think it perfectly describes where I’m at in life right now and where I’m headed. Maybe someone out there feels the same way if you’re in a dark place today or have been recently.
One verse a friend gave me last year that sums up the quotes below is:
 “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.” Isaiah 43:18.
So far, there is nothing in the Bible that I’ve read, especially in the Psalms that God didn’t write knowing that His people back then would experience the EXACT same things we experience today.
The Bible is the most brilliant, thought provoking, honest and inspiring book that exists if we take the time to delve into it and ask God what he wants to teach us. I love it when I’ve read a passage many times before, and then I’m led to read it again, and it speaks to me in the boldest of ways. That’s how God speaks to my heart. Sometimes it hurts, and I don’t want to face the truth.
Excerpts begin here from the devotional written by Jenkins, called “Taking Hold of Eternity”:
“…always remember that your future is more important than your past. Where you are going matters more than where you have been. What you do from this day forward means much more than what you have already done. You may be affected by your past, but you are not defined by it. Not in the eyes of God.
…Don’t allow yourself to forget what God has done. Don’t let your mind stray from thoughts of heaven.
When you live in the light of eternity, it changes everything. It changes the way you think and act and believe. You no longer see yourself as an aimless being living day to day. You know that you are a child of destiny, awaiting a glorious throne to come….You no longer believe that what you do doesn’t make a difference. You believe that every second and every decision makes an eternal impact on the world, as well as your destiny in heaven. You live as a child of the future, not as a slave to the past.
…God doesn’t care what you’ve done or where you’ve been. He only cares about where you plan to end up.”
“Hold tightly to the eternal life that God has given you.” 1 Timothy 6:12

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