Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Thank you readers of "Cancer Chronicles"

Another beautiful review of "Cancer Chronicles"

“Cancer Chronicles is a true life journey with a man of God, Bill Willlams, as he walks in the wilderness called cancer. However, unlike the Israelites, Bill is able to be grateful for his daily bread and not grumble in his life surroundings. He journals his lessons that he is learning and the Scriptures that God uses to lighten his load, helping him to give praise to God. The end of each chapter has "Points to Ponder", which contain questions and scriptures that further expand and clarify the lessons Bill learned through his daily walk.

You do not have to be struggling with cancer to appreciate this book. Any trial in life potentially can strengthen our faith or cause us to choose bitterness. That is the message Bill paints: choose life, choose Christ in the midst of hard times and He is faithful to share His salvation, His very life with you, to deliver you from all your fears. This is a precious, heart-felt ministry of Bill's family--to use Bill's suffering to touch and encourage others for His glory. I would recommend this to anyone walking this journey called life.”
Martha Helton

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