Saturday, September 25, 2010

Pretty in Pink Personalized Tissues

“You have collected all my tears and preserved them in your bottle.”
Psalm 56:8b
Have you ever heard of something so ridiculous - a tissue too nice to use? I just found a small package of purse Kleenexes in my bathroom cabinet that I must have stored away for the right occasion because at that time I’d felt they were too fancy for the average tear.
These tissues are pink and white striped, thicker in nature and personalized with the letter “M” for my name. Whoever gave them to me must have really loved me.
I suppose after one has shed enough tears to bring the water level up an inch in Lake Granbury, it’s a safe bet that it’s finally time to whip out the pretty in pink personalized tissues. After all, life is short, and when will there ever be the perfect time to use them, if not now?
I quickly discovered that just one soaks up double the tears because it absorbs the first round so fast. I think in paper towel land, they call it double absorbency. I’m thankful these tissues are less abrasive. I’m thankful for a lot of things. Tears of sorrow. And tears of joy.
“…And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.” Revelation 7:17

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